Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wholesome Sweeteners Review and GAVEAWAY

I got a package of great goodies from Wholesome Sweeteners to review and give my honest thoughts on to all of you guys. This will be a few part review, but I wanted to get some up right away because they are also helping me do my first give away for you guys and I am so excited.

 First a little bit about the company, they are a Fair Trade company, which I had no clue what that was until this company and I think it is such a great thing. What they do is pay prices at or above the product price to their farmers and bee keeps. This money is then used by the farmers and bee keepers to help their community and their family’s to make a better life for them. They have farms all over the world and have paid their farmers and beekeepers over 6 million dollars. This money has helped them bring fresh water, farming equipment, safe working environments, and even helping them send their children to school. It has also helped the farmers practice environmentally sustainable farming methods and not use harmful chemicals on their products. Everything that comes from this company is organic because of all of these things. It is such a great thing that they are doing, and I will make sure I support them from now on. Now on to the yummy stuff, raw honey, regular honey, blue agave with maple flavoring. This stuff is so yummy. The raw honey was the first thing everyone wanted to try. We ripped right in to that stuff, there is nothing left already. We tried it just straight from the jar still hard, and on different foods melted. It is the best honey I have ever had. I did not care for it hard in the jar, but my brother loved it that way. Every time I turned around he was eating a little bit of it. I loved it once it was melted on something. We put in on waffles, banana and honey sandwiches, in hot tea, and over ice cream. It was perfect on everything. It smells so good and the taste is perfect. It is not too sweet like some honey tends to be. Most honey I can only have a little bit because it is so sweet and hurts my teeth, but this one did not do that at all. It was just right. My mother was in heaven because she said this honey taste just like honey candy that her father would bring her as a little girl. It brought her back to those great memories of waiting for him to get home with her few pieces of candy. Every time she had a little bit her eyes would light up. I just cannot say enough about how good their raw honey is. I will be stocking up on this product! The next thing was the regular squeeze bottle type honey. This is organic just like everything else and it was also very yummy. It is not super sweet either and I have enjoyed it at night on crackers for a sweet fast snack. I cannot put my finger on it, but it is so different than the honey you get in the store in like the little bear jars.  I do not eat organic products usually and I wonder if that is what is making such a difference. I know that I will from now on only get organic honey from this company because it is the best that I have ever had. It is amazing. The next product is their organic blue agave in maple. I had no clue what blue agave was or even heard of it before. I will say I am now a fan. I went back and did some looking around on their site to find out really what agave syrup is. What I found out is that it is a low-glycemic sweetener that is slowly absorbed by the body, preventing blood sugar spikes. I used this on my pancakes and waffles and it was so good. It is not overly sweet and has a great taste of maple. All of these products are great and would tell anyone to give them a try.

   Now that I have said that, one lucky person is going to get a chance to try the products. The company is allowing me to do my first and a great giveaway for all of you. This giveaway will end on June 7th. What you have to do to enter, is like Wholesome Sweeteners on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, or follow their blog. Than you have to head over to my Facebook page, like it and comment under the post for this review. In the comment put in if you followed their blog, Facebook page or followed them on Twitter. There is one comment per person. The winner will be chosen at random. The prize is a gift basket with tons of great products from the company. I have added a picture of a sample of the basket so you can check it out. I hope everyone takes the time to check them out, and join the giveaway. These are such great products and I cannot wait to try more of the stuff and bring you the next review.

Here are all the links you will need.!/wholesomesweet

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