Tuesday, June 19, 2012


  I was sent a pair of shoes from Konvine.com to test out and give my thoughts on for you guys.

They are SUPER cute!!!!! I was shocked at how cute they are. They come packaged in a great little black box with a dust bag for you other shoes. They are tolled up into a ball with a cute bow tied around them. They fit perfectly in my purse so I can carry them everywhere. When I heard about them I was kind of thinking, oh maybe you would get one wear out of them. Man was I wrong. They have a hard soul like any other shoes and the material is great. I know the purpose of these is to change out of your heels after a long day, but I wanted to test them out. I used them one night after a long day, than for two more days straight. (I am still using them now). They have held up great and were comfy. The only thing I found was, because they were not think souls they did not work well to walk on gravel. Now normally we would not be doing this, they just happen to put it down on my roads when I was testing the shoes. They are great shoes to be able to have on hand while at a wedding, night out dancing, or even after I long day at work. I would highly recommend these to anyone who spends long periods in un-comfy shoes, of even if you just need a cute pair of flats. On their site they have so many different pairs to pick from that they will match whatever you throw at them. I spent over an hour just looking at the different shoes that they have and which ones I like the best I do not think I could pick just one. I am adding their website so you can just click right over and check them out. While you are clicking away do not forget to like me on Facebook. That link is added too.




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