Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sweet Sunshine Review

I received a package from Sweet Sunshine last week to review and tell all of you about. I had never heard of this company before and feel a little in the dark now. This company bottles all natural sauces and has won around 58 awards for the sauces. I feel like I have been living under a rock, because I had not heard of them. They sent six sauces to try. My family and I have enjoyed every one of them. I am not sure if we have a favorite they are all great. The sauces are atomic, warm, sweet, hot, Jamaican jerk, roasted shallot & garlic. All of the sauces have some warmth to them. The sweet one, though is very very mild, but still is able to keep that nice kick. Even though there is heat to all of them and some more than others, the flavor is great. You can taste it over the heat. I personally do not like hot sauces and things like that, because they usually just add heat and no flavor and I can usually make my own heat and flavor mix to use. Well this is a whole new world for me. The flavor and heat are great. I also like how there is different levels of heat so I can play with them when I am in different moods. I used all of these sauces in many different ways. I used them to put on my potatoes before roasting them, marinated many different kinds of meat, used them as a base for stir fry, and used them as just a dip for chicken nuggets and such, and I am yet to find a way that I do not like it. They have a great texture and come out of their glass bottles easy. I am not sure what more to say about them but try them. They are a great way to pick up any meal and make it different.    That is their website address, take a little time and check them out. It is such a good product, I have had many family and friends try it and I am yet to find one, that did not enjoy at least one to the products.

   Also do not forget about my giveaway. It is ending soon so make sure you enter. Even if you do not use the product it would make a great gift for someone in your life.

That is the links you need to find my giveaway. Also take a second to like my Facebook page that keeps you updated on my reviews and more giveaways to come soon. Thank you

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wholesome Sweeteners Review and GAVEAWAY

I got a package of great goodies from Wholesome Sweeteners to review and give my honest thoughts on to all of you guys. This will be a few part review, but I wanted to get some up right away because they are also helping me do my first give away for you guys and I am so excited.

 First a little bit about the company, they are a Fair Trade company, which I had no clue what that was until this company and I think it is such a great thing. What they do is pay prices at or above the product price to their farmers and bee keeps. This money is then used by the farmers and bee keepers to help their community and their family’s to make a better life for them. They have farms all over the world and have paid their farmers and beekeepers over 6 million dollars. This money has helped them bring fresh water, farming equipment, safe working environments, and even helping them send their children to school. It has also helped the farmers practice environmentally sustainable farming methods and not use harmful chemicals on their products. Everything that comes from this company is organic because of all of these things. It is such a great thing that they are doing, and I will make sure I support them from now on. Now on to the yummy stuff, raw honey, regular honey, blue agave with maple flavoring. This stuff is so yummy. The raw honey was the first thing everyone wanted to try. We ripped right in to that stuff, there is nothing left already. We tried it just straight from the jar still hard, and on different foods melted. It is the best honey I have ever had. I did not care for it hard in the jar, but my brother loved it that way. Every time I turned around he was eating a little bit of it. I loved it once it was melted on something. We put in on waffles, banana and honey sandwiches, in hot tea, and over ice cream. It was perfect on everything. It smells so good and the taste is perfect. It is not too sweet like some honey tends to be. Most honey I can only have a little bit because it is so sweet and hurts my teeth, but this one did not do that at all. It was just right. My mother was in heaven because she said this honey taste just like honey candy that her father would bring her as a little girl. It brought her back to those great memories of waiting for him to get home with her few pieces of candy. Every time she had a little bit her eyes would light up. I just cannot say enough about how good their raw honey is. I will be stocking up on this product! The next thing was the regular squeeze bottle type honey. This is organic just like everything else and it was also very yummy. It is not super sweet either and I have enjoyed it at night on crackers for a sweet fast snack. I cannot put my finger on it, but it is so different than the honey you get in the store in like the little bear jars.  I do not eat organic products usually and I wonder if that is what is making such a difference. I know that I will from now on only get organic honey from this company because it is the best that I have ever had. It is amazing. The next product is their organic blue agave in maple. I had no clue what blue agave was or even heard of it before. I will say I am now a fan. I went back and did some looking around on their site to find out really what agave syrup is. What I found out is that it is a low-glycemic sweetener that is slowly absorbed by the body, preventing blood sugar spikes. I used this on my pancakes and waffles and it was so good. It is not overly sweet and has a great taste of maple. All of these products are great and would tell anyone to give them a try.

   Now that I have said that, one lucky person is going to get a chance to try the products. The company is allowing me to do my first and a great giveaway for all of you. This giveaway will end on June 7th. What you have to do to enter, is like Wholesome Sweeteners on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, or follow their blog. Than you have to head over to my Facebook page, like it and comment under the post for this review. In the comment put in if you followed their blog, Facebook page or followed them on Twitter. There is one comment per person. The winner will be chosen at random. The prize is a gift basket with tons of great products from the company. I have added a picture of a sample of the basket so you can check it out. I hope everyone takes the time to check them out, and join the giveaway. These are such great products and I cannot wait to try more of the stuff and bring you the next review.

Here are all the links you will need.!/wholesomesweet

Friday, May 11, 2012

Zapzyt Review

I received products from ZapZyt to review and give my honest thoughts on. They sent a few products so I took some time to write my review about them.

  The first one is their three step acne pack. This set says that it can clear you skin in as fast as two days and gives you 24 hour protection to help fight teen and adult acne.  This set has Step 1 which is the cleanser, than Step 2 is a day repairing gel and Step three is the night repairing gel. So you first wash your face and then apply the gel that you need at that time, very easy to use every day. The first thing I will say is I do not like the smell of it at all. I think many acne cleansers and products have that weird smells though, so if they work you just overlook the few minutes that you are using it. My sister and I both tried this set, she has more or a chronic acne problem and I have break outs, especially if I am stressed out. When I started using it I did have a break out. First we will talk about my sister, because her skin is worse than mine. She used it for four days the way it should be used and yes within two days you could see that her skin was 85% clearer. It worked very well for her, but than on the fifth day, she woke up and her face and neck was all bright red. Now on the night of the fourth day she also started a new medication, so we are not sure if it was the acne set or medication, but she did stop using it because we were unsure what had done it. I will say that her face stayed pretty nice for about two weeks later though. So if we were to two just look at her and the set than I would say that it does what it says it will do. It cleared her face up and it got a little better each day.  Now to me, I can say I had no problems with it at all. It did not dry my face out or turn it red or any other weird thing. Also within three days my break out was almost complete gone. I have not had that kind of results with any of the other cleanser that I have used. I also used my make-up and moisturizer every day like normal right over the gel. I just waited like 5 minutes to make sure it was all in my skin than went onto my normal routine. It did not affect my make-up in any way at all.  So overall, I will say I like the product. It did what it says it will, did not bug my skin and I could use it under my make-up with no problems.

   Once my face was clear I went on and played with the other four products they sent to me. I would love to keep my face clear at all times. I also have blackheads, which drives me nuts. These four products are adult acne clearing gel, acne treatment gel, acne wash, and pore clearing scrub.  I will say I LOVE the pore clearing scrub; it makes my skin feel happy. With the cleaners, I use the scrub every two days and then the acne wash the other days. I have had no problems with it drying out my skin, or redness, or anything like that.  The smells of both of these products are fine. After washing my face, I used the acne treatment gel on my face. I used it twice a day, I do not have the product next to me so I cannot remember if it says to do that, but I found no problems at all with doing that. After about a week of using that gel I started to use the adult acne clearing gel the same way. I had no problems with using this one either.

  I have used all of these products as part of my normal daily routine, in the mornings everything went on under my make-up and at night under my moisturizer. I have had no problems with acne and my blackheads are gone and have not come back. I REALLY like these products and will keep using them if they keep my skin this clear. My mother has played with them a little bit, but not every day or anything and she did not have any problems either. So all in all I give it an A and recommend them to other people.  Looking at their site there is TONS of places that I am sure are right around the corner from all of us that you can pick up some of their products. I also found a link to click where you can put your name in for a chance to win a sample. You have to do it fast because it ends the 15th of this month. So everyone hurry over there and good luck.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Great new free sample site. Still new you might run into a few problems, but e-mailing them have fixed everything and I have gotten some great free things so far. I just signed up for a three peice brush set to try out.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Birchbox May 2012

  This is just a quick tell you what I got in my box. I will write more after I try everything. I will say that I am once again not happy. I have not put up my other boxes because I did not have a way to take pictures, but I have been getting them since Jan.  This however will be my last one. From Birchbox's FB i was excited, when I opened it I was like oh, um ok. So in it I got:
Arquiste perfum sample in L'Etrog
Miracle Skin Transformer, Body SPF 20 in Glow, this is a tinted treatment that will hide blemishes and scars on your body. .5 fl oz
Ojon's volume advance volumizing shampoo 1 fl oz
Stila's sparkle waterproof liquid eye liner.
   We also got one silly little note card as and extra. Yeah so I am pretty blah with Birchbox and I will not get them any more. I will write more about each product once I use them.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pamico Soapworks Review!!!!!

I received some soap samples from Pamico Soapworks to review and give my honest opinion about.
  I will start by saying I love this soap. I got three samples bars in Twilight Woods, Coconut Lime, and Olive Oil. The coconut lime was everyone in the houses favorite. The smell is amazing!!!.It is long lasting and room filling. My mother said it make my father smell so good she wants to bite him, LoL. The Twilight Woods is a rustic type smell which is wonderful too. I do not think I have found a smell like it before. The Olive Oil soap was a very first for me. I have heard all kinds of good stuff about using olive oil as skin care; I just never found any to try before. I will say as just a plain scent for the soap it takes a little getting use too, but TOTALLY worth it. This soap left my skin feeling amazing. It goes on great, lathers easily and when rinsing it off it comes fully off and leaves you feeling super clean. While leaving you feeling clean it also leave you skin so soft. I do not understand how it leaves you feeling so clean yet so soft. Usually soap leaves a weird feeling if it is moisturizing but this one has none of that at all. It just leaves you feeling squeaky clean, yet VERY soft. I am a huge olive oil soap fan now.  All three of the soaps are great and leave you feeling so clean with no left over residue feeling at all. I feel like I could run my finger down my arm and make that clean dish sound after using the soap. The smell lasts a very long time. I really cannot get over how much everyone in my home loves this soap. I have been using body wash for years thinking that was the way to get my skin the smoothest, boy I think I might be wrong.  My father has been using the coconut lime, Shea butter soap every day for about a week and he has always had a very large patch of dry skin on his chest and by using this soap it has already started to get better. We have tried many different things and this has been the first thing that we could really see a difference with. I know this review it all over the place, but I cannot tell you how great this soap is.   This is her website, I would take a look and give something a try. While talking to her I have found out that the coconut lime and citrus splash are her best-selling soaps, and it the citrus is as good as the coconut lime I know why. These soap are wonderful and have two thumps up and an A+ all around in my book. I hope you guys take the time to check it out and give one a try.
    I only got a picture of two of the three before someone stole the coconut lime soap and started using it.
 I also forgot to add in all this crazyness all her products are handmade and all natural, YaY for great, great natural products!!!!