Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pamico Soapworks Review!!!!!

I received some soap samples from Pamico Soapworks to review and give my honest opinion about.
  I will start by saying I love this soap. I got three samples bars in Twilight Woods, Coconut Lime, and Olive Oil. The coconut lime was everyone in the houses favorite. The smell is amazing!!!.It is long lasting and room filling. My mother said it make my father smell so good she wants to bite him, LoL. The Twilight Woods is a rustic type smell which is wonderful too. I do not think I have found a smell like it before. The Olive Oil soap was a very first for me. I have heard all kinds of good stuff about using olive oil as skin care; I just never found any to try before. I will say as just a plain scent for the soap it takes a little getting use too, but TOTALLY worth it. This soap left my skin feeling amazing. It goes on great, lathers easily and when rinsing it off it comes fully off and leaves you feeling super clean. While leaving you feeling clean it also leave you skin so soft. I do not understand how it leaves you feeling so clean yet so soft. Usually soap leaves a weird feeling if it is moisturizing but this one has none of that at all. It just leaves you feeling squeaky clean, yet VERY soft. I am a huge olive oil soap fan now.  All three of the soaps are great and leave you feeling so clean with no left over residue feeling at all. I feel like I could run my finger down my arm and make that clean dish sound after using the soap. The smell lasts a very long time. I really cannot get over how much everyone in my home loves this soap. I have been using body wash for years thinking that was the way to get my skin the smoothest, boy I think I might be wrong.  My father has been using the coconut lime, Shea butter soap every day for about a week and he has always had a very large patch of dry skin on his chest and by using this soap it has already started to get better. We have tried many different things and this has been the first thing that we could really see a difference with. I know this review it all over the place, but I cannot tell you how great this soap is.   This is her website, I would take a look and give something a try. While talking to her I have found out that the coconut lime and citrus splash are her best-selling soaps, and it the citrus is as good as the coconut lime I know why. These soap are wonderful and have two thumps up and an A+ all around in my book. I hope you guys take the time to check it out and give one a try.
    I only got a picture of two of the three before someone stole the coconut lime soap and started using it.
 I also forgot to add in all this crazyness all her products are handmade and all natural, YaY for great, great natural products!!!!

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