Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Passage Foods Review, Super Yummy!!!

I got a package from Passage Foods; to review and give you guys my honest thoughts on. This is a company based in Connecticut that makes authentic, all natural, gluten free, cooking sauces. I got four different ones to try from four different areas around the world. Every package tells you what you need and how to make it. They take simple things like meats and veggies and are simple and easy to cook. The first one I tried was Butter Chicken which is in their Indian line. It was wonderful. It was super easy to make. There was no spice and a great mild taste. The next one and I think my favorite one is the Thai Basil and Sweet chili. It was easy to make, just follow the directions and you have a great meal in no time. This one had light spice and a nice sweet after note. I could eat this over and over and use it for so many different things. These sauces are great when you use them for what it says, but you could also use different meats or veggies, or whatever you would like. The last two I got to try where the Moroccan Spiced Lemon Tagine and Honey, Soy, Ginger. The honey, soy, ginger is from their Chinese line. You can taste a hint of all the flavors, and they make such a wonderful mix. I am not a fan of ginger, but it was nice in here and gave it something special. The spiced lemon tagine was great too. Nice mild flavor and the lemon made it so bright and refreshing.  These again were simple to make and wonderful taste. I cannot say enough about them. They smell wonderful when cooking them and they give an everyday meal a different twist. Trying these four makes me want to try them all. I would love to have a stock pile of these around, so when I wanted something different I could just pull that package open and add them to my meal. I have added their links so you can head over and check them out. If you are looking for a wonderful, new twist on dinner you should be heading their way, right away. While you are checking out their Facebook page take a second to like mine too. You can stay up to date and check out all of my giveaways.!/pages/Passage-Foods-USA/295443943853256

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