Monday, July 30, 2012

Nourish, Organic Food for Healthy Skin, Review

I got some goodies from Nourish to try out and share my honest thought with you guys and the company. Nourish is an organic beauty company. They offer “100 percent USDA certified organic, high-performance and high- quality formulations offered in distinctive scents made of exclusive blends of 100 percent USDA certified organic essential oils and extracts.” I could not have explained the company better. They carry many different bath and body products in four different scents.

  The first thing I got to try is their organic hand wash in lavender mint. It is the first time I have come across organic hand wash and was very excited to try it. The bottle has a lovely picture on it and I am proud to show it in my bathroom. I took the big bottle and split it. I work with food and wash my hands at least 30 times a day at work, so I wanted to see how it worked when using it that much. The smell is heavenly. I love lavender and mint and when they are together it this soap they are perfect. The next thing I learned is a little goes a long way. When using it you only need about half a pump and you are good. If you use too much it takes a little longer to get off your hands. So just keep that in mind while you are using it. Now as for using it over and over it is great. When you use the right amount it lathers easily and rinses away quickly. Your hands feel squeaky clean when you dry them. It has helped my hands feel smoother and softer instead of drying them out. I have found I do not have to use as much lotion because my hands stay soft and moisturized. I give this soap 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to everyone one.

  The next product I tried is their organic body wash. This product I am on the fence still about, I think. I am still using it and trying to decide which way to go with it. First thing is the scent. It is almond vanilla, and it is amazing. I look forward to it every morning. It fills the bathroom with this great scent. When you rinse it off it leaves a weird scent on your body. It is not a bad scent, just weird. I was expecting to smell like the almond vanilla after the shower. I have also found with this product you have to use more than normal to get a nice lather. This is not the worst thing I was just thinking it would be like the hand soap where less is more. Once you get those out of the way it is a god body wash. It is a creamy type of texture which lathers and goes on to your body great once you get the amount right. It rinses off and does not leave that nasty residue on your skin like many other body washes do. You fell squeaky clean, yet moisturized. I would give this product 4 out of 5 stars. This is mainly just because of the scent not lasting after the soap is off. I really love the scent and wish I could smell it all day. If you were to layer it with their lotion maybe you could solve that problem. I do recommend it thought because it makes you feel so clean and fresh without the heavy nasty feeling some soaps leave on your body.   Here is the link to their page so you can hop right over and check out all of their wonderful stuff.!/NourishUSDA  This is their FB page so you can check that out too.   Here is my Facebook link, head over like it and enter the giveaway I have going on, and when I get to 150 likes I will be doing a beauty giveaway. So please share away

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Eylure false lashes

Hey everyone, I am back to talk to you about Eylure false lashes. They were nice enough to send me two pairs to review and give my honest thoughts about them. This is another first for me; I have never used or even really thought about false lashes before. The two they sent me were number 020, natural volume, and number 100, super full. My favorite is the 020. They looked natural and made my eyes pop. The other ones also looked natural. I think I like the other ones more just because I am not use to looking at myself with false lashes yet.

   Each set of lashes comes with the glue and directions. I found the directions very easy to follow and I was very happy they were in there. I also worried about using the glue because my eyes are so sensitive. I can only use three brands of make-up on my eyes without swelling up. This glue did not bug me at all. Not one bit of watering, redness, and thing. I was honestly shocked and happy at the same time. I did not have to cut them down to fit. They had no pointy or weird edges on them, and are very soft to the touch. I have worn them both a few times. I even wore them to the crazy grand opening at my job and never had to fix them or add extra glue to them. From what I have seen online and learned from playing with these, they are great. They are light weight, easy to put on, and the glue holds great. I give them 5 out of 5 and would recommend them to anyone. I have added their website so you can take a look at them. If you are a false lasheslover, or are new to them I would pick on some of these to try.   Here is my Facebook link, head over like it and enter the giveaway I have going on, and when I get to 150 likes I will be doing a beauty giveaway. So please share away

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Batiste Dry Shampoo

The company Batiste was nice enough to send me a can of their dry shampoo in exchange for my honest thoughts about it. This was a cool review to do because I had never used a day shampoo before. So I do not have much to compare it too, but I can tell you what I thought of it.

   It is in the fresh scent, which is a very pleasant scent. It is not to strong or overbearing. It is a scent that I think a man or a woman could get away with using. I very much enjoyed the scent of it. Everyone else in my house and that I came in contact with also liked it. I have very greasy hair and cannot miss a wash without it looking very bad. That is one reason I never tired dry shampoo, I did not think it would help at all. It did, my hair did not look as fresh as just getting out of the shower, but it still looked good. It also gave my very fine hair huge volume. I had no clue that would be an effect of the shampoo, but it got me hooked right there. My hair never has volume and it looked great. I have been using it just, when I wanted a little extra for my hair. I have not had any problems with it leaving my hair white or flaking out at all. I hold it about 8 inches from my hair, hold up my roots and spray it all over. I work it in and then brush it out. It is simple and works. I really like this product and it has turned me into a dry shampoo fan. It gets 5 out of 5 stars in my book.

  That is their link and it shows you where you can pick it up near you.   Here is my Facebook link, head over like it and enter the giveaway I have going on, and when I get to 150 likes I will be doing a beauty giveaway. So please share away

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Giveaways :)

Don't forget to enter the Newman's Own Organics give away. Tomorrow I will have another review up and if I can get to 150 likes I have have a beatuy give away to do, so share away please and thank you :).

Friday, July 13, 2012

EO, organic pet product review

     The company EO was nice enough to send me a package of goodies to review for you guys. First of all EO is a family owned and run certified organic manufacture.  They have everything from hand soap, body lotion, to pet stuff. Everything is natural, gentle, effective and no animal testing. I really enjoyed looking around their site and reading about them and their products. I will leave their link at the bottom so you can take a look.

     So, on to what I got to test. This was so fun because what I got was for my puppies and not me. They sent their shampoo and conditioner in lavender aloe, and their natural dog groomer in citrus n mint. Both products smell amazing. I will start with the shampoo and conditioner. They are both gentle and biodegradable. The dog I will talk about most is my sister’s hippo, ha-ha. He is a 120lb plus, longer coated, red mutt. This poor dog has had the worst skin, dry, flaky, itchy. The only shampoo we found that he could handle was baby shampoo. Well we said what the heck let’s try this new stuff on him. Well it worked great on him. A little went a long way. It had great lather and smelled so good. The condition went on easy and spread nicely. Both rinsed out of his fun with no problems at all. One of the best parts is that none of the dogs have a wet dog smell after being washed. They hold onto the smell of lavender and I love it.  My dog is a broken coat Jack Russell and this shampoo and condition worked great on her. It made both of their coats very, very soft, fluffy and shiny. The only thing I noticed was that my dog, Jazzmin, has lots of white and the baby shampoo makes it look a little brighter. I will trade that any day though for her soft fluffy coat EO’s products gave her.

      The next product is the Natural Dog Groomer in citrus-n- mint.  This is a great refreshing spray to use in between baths. It helps to soothe dryness and itching and condition the dog’s skin. This product also smells great. The smells of all three products last for a while too. This helped keep the pups coats smelling great and very soft. On our oldest dog we only used the spray because it is too much on him to get a full bath, and the spray made his coat so nice and smell great. Now using all of these products on my sister’s dog has helped nicely with his skin problems. These products are great. I have nothing to say bad about them. On their site you can buy them alone or order the whole set. These products have 5 out of 5 in my book.

   Don’t forget to like my Facebook page and enter the Newman’s Own Giveaway. It very easy to enter, just like my FB page then like their FB page and comment below the review post on my FB page. Thank you everyone.

Bubba Bags, take a second and please check out his page :)!/pages/Bubba-Bags/383537768370680
  " Bubba Bags" are made by our very own Bubba ( Brandon )! Bubba is a 15 year old young man who has Autism and Mental Retardation but he doesn't let that stop him! Bubba starting make Big "Bubba Bags" to raise money to buy food and toys for our local Animal Shleter. He has now started making Make-Up bags also. "Bubba Bags" have really taken off so we decided ( with the advice of friends ) to start him a FB page. We ( Bubba and mom ) want to thank you all! ~ Bubba bags are made out of PLARN. He recycles plastic grocery bags to make them. If you would like to save your bags for him, that would be awesome!~"
  This was taken right from his site because I could not say it any better. I have been a fan of him and his mothers page for a long time and they are doing GREAT things for others. He would love more than nothing to get to 300 likes and spread his bags all over the place. On the site there are all kinds of pictures on the pages, they are sooooooooooooo cute. Please make his day and stop over and check out his page.

Vapour Make-up Review... Coming Soon

Hello ladies, 
This is a sneak peak at a review I will be doing for Vapour and organic beauty company. I just got it in today so, the review will be going once I get a little time to try it all. There is so much stuff I will try to break it in to parts. Keep an eye out.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Passage Foods Review, Super Yummy!!!

I got a package from Passage Foods; to review and give you guys my honest thoughts on. This is a company based in Connecticut that makes authentic, all natural, gluten free, cooking sauces. I got four different ones to try from four different areas around the world. Every package tells you what you need and how to make it. They take simple things like meats and veggies and are simple and easy to cook. The first one I tried was Butter Chicken which is in their Indian line. It was wonderful. It was super easy to make. There was no spice and a great mild taste. The next one and I think my favorite one is the Thai Basil and Sweet chili. It was easy to make, just follow the directions and you have a great meal in no time. This one had light spice and a nice sweet after note. I could eat this over and over and use it for so many different things. These sauces are great when you use them for what it says, but you could also use different meats or veggies, or whatever you would like. The last two I got to try where the Moroccan Spiced Lemon Tagine and Honey, Soy, Ginger. The honey, soy, ginger is from their Chinese line. You can taste a hint of all the flavors, and they make such a wonderful mix. I am not a fan of ginger, but it was nice in here and gave it something special. The spiced lemon tagine was great too. Nice mild flavor and the lemon made it so bright and refreshing.  These again were simple to make and wonderful taste. I cannot say enough about them. They smell wonderful when cooking them and they give an everyday meal a different twist. Trying these four makes me want to try them all. I would love to have a stock pile of these around, so when I wanted something different I could just pull that package open and add them to my meal. I have added their links so you can head over and check them out. If you are looking for a wonderful, new twist on dinner you should be heading their way, right away. While you are checking out their Facebook page take a second to like mine too. You can stay up to date and check out all of my giveaways.!/pages/Passage-Foods-USA/295443943853256

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Wholesome Sweeteners Review, Part 2

It is time for another part of my Wholesome Sweeteners review. It took so long because I really want to put their sugar to the test in many things. My sister used them in many different baked goods for us; we used them in meals that call for sugar, and of course sweet tea, ice coffee, and hot coffee. Every one that we have used we have loved. I honestly have…. Wait ok I have one con of the products. The bags can be a little hard to seal back up again. Besides that I have nothing bad to say at all. The ones that my family and I have used are their; natural cane sugar, organic coconut palm sugar, organic dark brown sugar, organic light brown sugar, organic powdered sugar, organic sugar, and Zero.

   I used the whole bag of everyone so I could really check them out. They work just like your normal sugar would. They mix in and blend well and melt great in all your drinks. They taste a little sweeter than normal sugar, which made everything we used it for taste better. We did not think sugar could really be that different, but boy where we wrong. Their Zero is a zero calorie sweetener and it   did not have that nasty after taste that many other zero calorie sugars have. I think this one made me the happiest. I love ice coffee and sweet tea but I try to stay away because I like lots of sugar in them and the other zero calorie sugars would not work with my drinks.  This one works fine did not change the flavor much and did not leave that horrible after taste.  I am super happy with them and everything that we have used from this company. I have become a huge Wholesome Sweeteners fan and I want to tell anyone and everyone about them. Here are all of their pages, take a second to check them out. While you are at it please remember to like my page.!/wholesomesweet

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Newman's Own Organics Review and Giveaway

I received a box of goodies to test and give you guys my honest though on. Everyone in my household helped me and gave their thoughts on the items Newman’s Own Organics is its own company. They were started in 1993 as a division of Newman’s Own and in 2001 became its own company. The Newman’s Own Organics was started my Nell Newman and her business partner Peter Meehan. They have their own full line of products.

  One of the first things we tried was their licorice. They sent so many flavors for us to try. They sent strawberry, black licorice, sour apple, sour mange, sour strawberry, sour cherry, and pomegranate. The only one that was not really a hit was pomegranate. It had a perfume type taste. The best was their sour apple and sour cherry. The taste of those two were amazing. All of them had a great texture, easy to chew and true to their flavors.

    The next things we got were four tins of their mints in peppermint, wintermint, ginger, and cinnamon. These were amazing. First the tins are super cute and great to carry with you. I am not a fan of ginger, but my sister went crazy for them. She said they taste just like crystalized ginger. She had the tin gone in two days. I loved the other three, matter of fact I am sucking on one while I write this. The flavor is not is not to strong, it’s perfect. They have a texture unlike any mint I have had before. They are not hard like the starlight mints or soft and chew like Mentos. They are all their own. I have already gotten more and carry them with me everywhere.

   We got so many yummy cookies to try out. We got the Newman O’s in ginger, chocolate, and peanut butter. Now I am not a fan of ginger, but I LOVE the Ginger O’s. They by far are the best ones in the O’s group I tried.  They are two hard ginger cookies filled with cream. I do not know how to explain the flavor, it is one of its own and out of this world. The chocolate and peanut were very good too. The chocolate is two chocolate cookies filled with chocolate cream and the peanut butter is two chocolate cookies filled with peanut butter cream. They have a great crunch to them and the perfect amount of cream. I think I enjoyed them better than another brand that we shall leave nameless.

  Next we had ginger snaps, chocolate chip, and orange chocolate chip. These are little crunchy cookies that come in bags. My personal favorite was the orange chocolate chip cookies. I love orange and chocolate together and this was the first time I have ever seen it in cookies. They were so good; I took most of the bag for myself. The other two were great too. None of them were two sweet, and they had great crunch to them. They are perfect two bite little cookies, perfect size for a young child’s hands.

   We also got to try the Alphabet cookies in vanilla and chocolate. These were really yummy. Very much like shortbread cookie. They were also bite size crunchy little cookies.  I took some to my aunts when I baby set for her and her little ones and I used them to spell words before we got to eat them. They had so much fun playing with their food.

 The last cookies were their Fig Newman’s. I did not get to try these because I am unable to eat fig, but everyone else loved them. They were the first cookies to be gone. They were soft and moist and just melted in your mouth is how my father put it. They all said there was such a great taste to them.

  The next thing was there pretzels, in the thin sticks and mighty mini. Now I never thought that these two products would be different, but boy where they. The sticks were my favorite. They had a nice crunch to them, but not overly hard and not too much salt. They had just a naturel pure pretzel flavor, which was super yummy. The mighty mini ones were also very good. These ones were a little bit harder and had a little bit more salt on them. I am not a huge pretzel person but their thin sticks changed me into one. I like snacking on them more than potato chips now.

  We also had a variety of chocolate bars. Every one of them was great. The chocolate was smooth and creamy and had such a pure chocolate flavor.  It was nothing like eating a Hersey’s bar at all.  I cannot give you enough words to describe the chocolate, super yummy, made me happy, everyone that tried them loved them, great….. haha I could keep going. I was very impressed with the chocolate. We got to try it in Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Super Dark Chocolate 70% cocoa, Mocha Milk Chocolate, Espresso Dark Chocolate, and Orange Dark chocolate. My personal favorite one was the mocha milk chocolate, super yummy.

  Along the chocolate line where, chocolate cups. We had them in milk and dark filled with caramel, milk and dark filled with peanut butter and dark chocolate mint. These cups are out of this world. The caramel is the best, but they are all sooooooooooo good. Smooth, creamy, flavorful are great words for them. They have become my favorite cup type candy by far. I will not go back to the other brands.

   To sum it all up, everything we had was wonderful. The only product that did not go over well was the pomegranate licorice. This is a brand I had never looked twice at before and I am sad that I did that. I think everyone should pick at least one thing and give it a try. I could not be more pleased with how good everything was.

     Here is the best part!!! It is give away time. This give away will be for four full size products. They will be the Ginger O’s, Peppermint mints, Pretzel thin rods, and the mocha milk chocolate bar. To enter to win you have to go over and like Newman’s Own Organics on Facebook, like my Facebook page, comment on my Facebook page under this review. That’s it, easy as pie. I would also love for you to like my blog, but not required. This give away will end Aug’s 1st and I am sorry only open to the US.  Thank you all for reading.