Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hey everyone, I am back again. I wanted to talk about the Glade tonight. I recently got the 2 in 1 candles in Spruce it up / Apple Cinnamon and Vanilla Passion Fruit/ Hawaiian Breeze. I also got a jar candle in Peppermint Crush and a Scented Oil Candle in Spruce it up. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these smells. The jar candle and the 2 in 1 is 4 oz. and it is support to burn up to 22 hours. I honestly have not watched the hours but I have been burning one of them every night for a week for around 3 hours and I still have a fair amount to go with it. Spruce It Up, makes the whole room smell like a fresh Christmas tree. I love getting these at Christmas and saving them until later so I can have a touch of Christmas all year long. It is one of the best Christmas smells that I have found.  The Apple Cinnamon and Peppermint Crush are also true to their names. They are wonderful holiday scents, which I like to burn all year long. I have never been one who follows the seasons on what can be burned or smelled in your house when.  If I like something I burn it.  Right now as I write this I have the Vanilla Passion Fruit/ Hawaiian Breeze burning. I am in an upstairs bedroom and if I keep the door open the smell covers the whole upstairs down into the living room. It is a summery fruity scent that brings me to a happy place when I smell it. I also get many people who come into my home ask me about it and love the smell of it. So all in all I think these are a great item to buy. They live up to what they say and the best part is, you can ALWAYS find them on sale and coupons for them all over the place.  Ohhhhhh I forgot to talk about the scented oil candles. I also forgot that I got refills for it in French vanilla. I do not recall how long they are support to burn, sorry, but they lasted like 10 or so hours.  They take a few minutes to get hot and start melting, but it is worth the wait. Once I had a little oil in the candle you could start smelling it. For as little as they are they fill up the rooms with the smell. Also for all the candles the smell lingers for a while after you blow them out, which is a great thing. So as I was saying they are a great buy in my opinion. PLEASE remember to always blow them out when you leave the room and watch them around your kids and pets

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