Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sorry I did not write yesterday, but I was beat. I hurt my back and they gave me pain pills that knock me right out. Let’s get right to it. I want to talk about my Julep Maven box and what I think of the nail polish. First off Julep Maven is a monthly nail polish box you can get. It cost $20 a month for over $40 worth of products. They make you take a little test to see which box would fit you best. This is the web site so you can check it out without me going on and on about it. 

I got the IT Girl box, which came with 3 shares of nail polish and a top coat. I honestly had not painted my own nails since middle school, I like to get mine done or they are to thin and are always breaking. The colors I got are Megan, a dark blue shimmery color, Leah, a grass green type color, and Hayden, which is a summery peach color. I have tried them all on my nails and I think that Hayden is my favorite color. My mother and sister both looked at them and tried them as well. My sister did not like any of the colors, and my mom likes them a lot, but she won’t wear them because she just does not like nail polish. When I put them on they went on nice and easy. The brushes pick up a lot of color so you have to watch out for drips from other parts of the brush. They say to put on two coats, but the only one that I found really needed two coats was the Megan. The other two looked great with just one. They dried fast, which is a huge plus because I do not sit still well. I personally also like that the top is square instead of round, makes them easier to hold for me. The top coat goes on great like the nail polish and dries fast. It gives the color a great shine. I have had my color on since I got the box on the 26th and have not been easy on my nails at all, and they still looked good. I only have one little chip on the corner which I got from trying to open my new make-up. Just a quick second and it was all fixed and it is thin enough that you cannot tell you had to add some more polish.  So if you like to do your nails and do not mind spending the $20 a month it is a cool way to get some new colors in your collection. they are great nail polishes and I will keep mine going for another month or so to see what surprises I get.

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