Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Red Bull

So I am a little excited to write today. First off OMG Metro Cast is driving me nuts. We changed to them last week and have had nothing but trouble with internet since. GRRR… ok with that out of the way. I tried my first ever energy drink this week. It was the original Red Bull. I honestly never thought they would do anything for me so I never bothered with them. I also never liked the smell of them, when people around me drank them. The Red Bull surprised me thought. First off when I smelled it, it was not to strong at all. I took a very little first sip because I was honestly not sure I would like it and be able to drink it. I was surprised. There is very little bubbliness to it. That is nice though I think it helps it go down better and be more pleasant to drink. It has a nice kind of fruity type taste. Drinking it reminds me of just drinking a plain old can of soda, which for me works well because I do not eat or drink anything to different or weird out there. I was able to drink the whole can and can say that I liked it. I asked my brother about what he thought about Red Bull, because he drinks all energy drinks often. He said, “ It taste like original Monster but way better.” I guess that next thing I will have to do is try a Monster so I can compare the two, taste wise for everyone.  Now did I get a boost of energy? Yep I sure did lol. I got up and cleaned the whole house, like spring cleaning type cleaning because I did not have anything to do or planed before I drank it. I thought it would be a good time to drink it because I was just hanging out around the house. So I needed to find something to do because I had all the extra energy. After a few hours, I did not seem to get the sudden crash that I have heard so much about. I am not sure if it was because I was doing something and not just sitting at a desk with the extra energy or if this product just does not give it to you. Not having the crash made me super happy though, I was dreading it. This is a product that I will pick up and use when I need a little extra something. I am glad that I finally gave an energy drink a chance, it really surprised me and has added something new to my life.

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