Wednesday, February 8, 2012





Sorry missing Bob's Pic, he was camera shy.

 First off, it feels good to have the internet back. YaY
      Now this is going to be an entry all about dogs. The past day or so there has been a lot of stuff about dogs I have found in the media and I just have to talk about it.
  First thought the products I want to talk about. When I find a new animal product I buy enough to test on the animals in my household and my mother’s. Between the two homes there are 14 rescued animals, 5 dogs, 7 cats and 2 small animals. Today we are going to talk about the dogs. I have Felix, a 7 year old male Pitt bull mix, Katana a 5 year old female Pitt Bull mix, and Jazzmin a 2 year old female Jack Russell. My mom has Bob, 17 and Bosco, 4, who are both only god knows mutts. They range from small (10lbs) to large (120lbs). After trying many treats I have found 3 that all five dogs go crazy over. They are Pedigree Dentastix, Pedigree Jumbones, and Pup-Peroni. The Pup-Peroni comes in a few flavors, like bacon and regular and the dogs like them all. I also buy everything in small dog size because it is easiest for Jazzmin (small dog) and Bob (for his teeth and jaws.) Everything else I have tried some like them then others do not. These three products everyone will eat. The Pedigree products are around $3.50 a bag and the Pup-Peroni is about $2.50 a bag. I have been able to find coupons for the products the past few weeks right in the Sunday papers, which is great.
  On an animal friendly side note, please be careful what you are giving your pups. I had a friend just lose her pup because she gave her chicken jerky. I will put a link to the FDA article at the end so everyone can read it. I guess there have been problems for years, but we had no clue. It talks about any chicken products made in China can kill little dogs and make bigger doges very sick. So just read the article and be careful.
     I also have to say shame on McDonald’s for that horrible commercial!! It sickens me that a company of that size thinks it is ok to pick on one breed of dog. I have 2 Pit mix’s and worked at a dog pound for many years and have only come across one mean pitt bull. I was at the pound for five years and we had many, many Pit Bulls come in. I found many more other breeds of dogs that were mean though. People need to know and truly understand that it is not the dog, It is the people and environments that they are raised in. You can take any dog at all and make them mean if that is what you teach them. Also any stray on the street could be scared or mean because they do not know what human love is. With a loving home and proper training any dog will be a great family dog. So please think before speaking badly about Pit Bulls. They are great, loyal, loving family dogs.  Punish the DEED not the BREED!!!!!

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