Monday, February 20, 2012

 So this tonight we bleached my sister’s hair, using Splat bleach. This was the first time we had seen this brand and decided to give it a go. I am allergic to bleach so my mom did it while I was watching and asking questions. So this review is coming from the three of us really. First thing is we got two bottles at first from Wal-Mart, they are about 8 bucks. We got home realized that they did not come with the plastic hat that said was in the box, not really a big deal just something I noticed. We always only need two bottles of bleach for my sister’s hair no matter what brand we have ever used. Well we mixed up the stuff and mom put it on my sister’s hair. At the end of the second bottle we realized it was not enough, so we had to run back to Wal-Mart and get another bottle in the middle of it all. So after 3 bottles it finally covered all of her hair. Right there we were a little turned off, because we have never had to use that much.  So we get it on her head and set the time for 45 minutes. After everyone had a second to stop and think, we realized my mother and sister both were covered in hives in any place the bleach touched. Well I have always been allergic to bleach, but they have never ever had a reaction to it. It was not major but it sure made them very itchy. My sisters back did not breakout but it was red and super itchy. This was another reason we won’t buy this bleach again. My mother had just used bleach this morning when doing wash and cleaning the bathroom and nothing bugged her at all, so it has to be something in that bleach kit. After rinsing the bleach out, it turned my sister’s hair all different shades from super blonde to red. She does have dyed hair, so the spots that did not have dye went super blonde but the parts that had left over dye went red. So this dye does not work to well in already dyed hair. They gave you some shampoo and conditioner in the box. We used the shampoo right away and it smells sooooooo good. It is banana scented, and worked well. It made her hair as soft as I think it could after it had just been bleached. Now that it is dry it did not damage her hair too much. I will say that her hair is not as soft as it was before, but it is not all dried out and straw like either.  So it is pretty much in the middle. Tomorrow morning she is going to put in the conditioner and leave it in for the day like it says to see how much it helps.  So overall, we will not be buying this bleach brand any more. We had to use soooo much to cover all her hair and then it made everyone break out in hives and super itchy.

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