Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I got a bottle of Zoye Premium Vegetable Oil, made from 100% Soybean to try the other day, and I am super pleased with it. I always use olive oil and never thought to change, but I think I will. This oil has 10 more calories than olive oil, BUT half the saturated fats. It also has Omega 3 and 6. I tried the product three ways; I baked a cake, made baked beans and made a stir fry. This oil worked in all three things no problems at all. I did not find a flavor difference in anything I made. It worked great in the stir fry, no burning and no heavy oily feeling to the food. It smells just like my olive oil, but is lighter in color. It also only took a little bit to coat the pan for my stir fry. This is great new oil that I have found and for having half the saturated fats I will keep using it. Right now you can find Zoye Premium Vegetable Oil at Meijer’s and Spartan. These stores are in MI, IL, IN, OH, and KY, but if you do not live there do not fret…. In a month or so the Zoye Premium Vegetable Oil will be on Amazon with FREE shipping. I cannot wait for that so I can get my hands on some more of it. I think this is a great multiuse use product that will help you save money. There will be no more buying different oils for different things because this one works great for all of my needs.  I really like Zoye’s Premium Vegetable Oil and I think everyone should try it at least once to see how great it really is. If anyone has tried it, leave me a comment and let me know. If you have any more questions about it let me know too.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

  I am new to doing my own nails, so lately I have been picking up some nail polish because I had none. I went to Wal-Mart the other day and found these Pure Ice nail polishes. The back says they are from Bari Cosmetics, which I have never heard of. I will have to look into the company some more. Well I got five colors that I thought all went so well with each other and I could do so many things with. Well I am in-between with them now. I know for sure that I am taking back three of them to Wal-Mart to see about getting different colors. The other two I really like. First the three I am taking back are Heart Breaker (blue), Busted (purple), and Rescue Me (green). I am taking them back because the colors in the bottle are GREAT, but once on they are just clear with a very little hint of color. I was hoping for them to be as bright and colored as they are in the bottle. They are such pretty spring time colors and could not wait to see what I could come up with. So I was a little sad when I got home and tried them. I am hoping I will find colors close to them.  The two that I am keeping are Strip Tease (cotton candy pink) and Excuse me (bright yellow almost gold). I love this pink color!!!!! These two colors are true to the color they are in the bottle and really enjoy them. All of the polish goes on nice and smooth and the two I am keeping have a nice shine to them. I have had the pink and yellow on for a few days and I had one nail chip but the rest look really good still. I am honestly excited to go see what other colors I can find in the brand. They are only $1.97 at Wal-Mart, which I really like because I can get a bunch in fun colors to see what I can come up with.

Friday, February 24, 2012

It has been a few days since I have written because school has been crazy, sorry about that. Tonight I want to talk about this glitter nail polish I found. I am not one for glitter, but I am honestly in love with this polish. It is NYC’s Long Wearing in Starry Silver Glitter. It is your basic silver glitter but it has round pieces in such a pretty blue. I have tried it by itself and it is pretty, but I really like it over colored nail polish. Right now I have a blue and purple on and it makes them look 10x’s better. It is super shiny and picks up the light so nicely. The blue flecks really shine and makes it look like you have little diamonds on your nails. I have had it one for about 5 days with no top coat and it is holding up super well. I found it at Rite Aid for 99 cents and after I used it once I went back and got two more. I cannot tell you how much I am in love with this polish. Every female in my house has it on in one way or another. I have it over color, my mom has just the polish on and my sister used it just to put on her tips. So happy with this and if you want to add a little sparkly for a little bit of money I would recommend picking this up.

Monday, February 20, 2012

 So this tonight we bleached my sister’s hair, using Splat bleach. This was the first time we had seen this brand and decided to give it a go. I am allergic to bleach so my mom did it while I was watching and asking questions. So this review is coming from the three of us really. First thing is we got two bottles at first from Wal-Mart, they are about 8 bucks. We got home realized that they did not come with the plastic hat that said was in the box, not really a big deal just something I noticed. We always only need two bottles of bleach for my sister’s hair no matter what brand we have ever used. Well we mixed up the stuff and mom put it on my sister’s hair. At the end of the second bottle we realized it was not enough, so we had to run back to Wal-Mart and get another bottle in the middle of it all. So after 3 bottles it finally covered all of her hair. Right there we were a little turned off, because we have never had to use that much.  So we get it on her head and set the time for 45 minutes. After everyone had a second to stop and think, we realized my mother and sister both were covered in hives in any place the bleach touched. Well I have always been allergic to bleach, but they have never ever had a reaction to it. It was not major but it sure made them very itchy. My sisters back did not breakout but it was red and super itchy. This was another reason we won’t buy this bleach again. My mother had just used bleach this morning when doing wash and cleaning the bathroom and nothing bugged her at all, so it has to be something in that bleach kit. After rinsing the bleach out, it turned my sister’s hair all different shades from super blonde to red. She does have dyed hair, so the spots that did not have dye went super blonde but the parts that had left over dye went red. So this dye does not work to well in already dyed hair. They gave you some shampoo and conditioner in the box. We used the shampoo right away and it smells sooooooo good. It is banana scented, and worked well. It made her hair as soft as I think it could after it had just been bleached. Now that it is dry it did not damage her hair too much. I will say that her hair is not as soft as it was before, but it is not all dried out and straw like either.  So it is pretty much in the middle. Tomorrow morning she is going to put in the conditioner and leave it in for the day like it says to see how much it helps.  So overall, we will not be buying this bleach brand any more. We had to use soooo much to cover all her hair and then it made everyone break out in hives and super itchy.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I tried my first USDA Organic product this week. It was Nature’s Path Peanut Choco granola bars. The bars have 9 grams of whole grains, 22 carbs, and 150 calories per bar. The bars are the normal size of most of the other granola bars out on the market. The smell of them was pretty good, they smelled like the oats that they use. The texture was nice and chewy, which I enjoy. You did not taste the Choco, maybe a hint of it here or there. I tasted mostly the peanuts and it was not overly sweet. I did not honestly care for it, neither did the rest of my family. I only think that is because of the flavor though. We are not a big peanut family. I think if it would not have peanut, more like an oats and honey bar it would have been great. I really liked that it was not overly sweet. Many of the other granola bars are so sweet I cannot eat them. So would I eat this bar again? I would not eat this flavor because of personal preference, but I will get a box of a different flavor and give them a try. I believe that if you like peanuts you will really enjoy this bar.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

 The other day I got my first ever BirchBox. I was super excited for it. Once I opened it thought I was a little sad. I found out thought that when you get you’re your first box it is a welcome box and you will not get all the same products as everyone else. Now that I know that I am happy and cannot wait to get next month’s box. Now as for what BirchBox is, it is a monthly subscription box that you receive 5 to 6 deluxe beauty samples in it. It cost 10 dollars a month, free shipping and no surprise fees. I think it is a great way to try out some new products and share it with my readers and also find some new things I might love in the process. They have a great reward system and member store as well.  This is a link to the site so you can read some more and sign up if you would like. I am going to tell you what I got and if I have tried it or not and let you know what I think.

   The first thing I got was a Jouer moisturizing lip gloss in Birchbox Pink. I love the name, and the color is great. It is such a bright shiny pink. I gives your lips a nice pink color with great shine. The more you put on the brighter the color gets. I personally like lighter color with lots of shine because I like to play up my eyes. This lip gloss goes on nice and smooth and is not overly sticky. You can feel it on but it is not enough to bug me. I have not worn it a full day because I always change my lip gloss during the day but it did last me the first half of the day. The card that comes with the Birchbox says that a full size it $20. Overall I like it and I might think about getting a full size tube. I would like to see what other colors this company might offer. I will have to head to the site and check it out.

  The next thing we got was Eye Rock, designer liner. They are single use stick on eye liner. You get four designs in the pack and they are all cat eye type ones. I was super excited to try these because my cats eye drawing skills kind of stink. I did try out a pair, but was not the happiest with them. I used the thickest ones and realized that my eyes are not wide enough for it. I took the second one and cut it in half and tried it again. This time it looked better. I am still not fully sure what I think of them though. I am going to do my eyes up and then try the thinner one to see how they look together. I think because I used the thickest one first it has made me question them. They feel ok on and did not bug my eyes; I just want to wear them out so I can see if people notice them and what they say about them. The full size is two packs of four for $13. I have to try these some more to really decide how I feel about them.

  The next thing was a little spray bottle of Juicy Couture’s Viva La Juicy perfume. Full size is from $69 to $89. It is a mix of wild berries, mandarin, honeysuckle, gardenia, jasmine, amber, caramel, vanilla, sandalwood, and praline. I have to say I really really like it. I saw this in other peoples box last month and was bummed I would not get to try it. So I was so excited when it was in mine this month. I love perfumes, lotions, anything really that smells good. This has a nice summery playful scent. The smells all mix together so well and none of them are over powering. I put one spray on my wrist the morning I got the box and I could smell it at bedtime. I am always willing to spend money on perfumes that have staying power. I hate the ones that you use in the morning and are gone by the time you get to work.  I also did not think it was too over powering. It just left a nice wisp of scent when I would move my arms. I am so happy with this perfume. I am hoping that BirchBox keeps sending perfume and lotion samples because I love trying new ones.

  The next thing we got I have not tried because I am saving it for a night out and about. It is by Colorescience Pro, it is a glow and go travel puff.  From what I understand it is a puff filled with the make-up already. It says that it is more than a onetime use puff. It comes in four colors and by what I have seen everyone got different ones. I got the All Even one. It says it is medium tone and is used for everyday to camouflage cover. This I think is so cool and cannot wait to use it. Once I get to try it I will fill everyone in on how I liked it.

  The box also includes things they call lifestyle extras. In this box I got digital downloads from a new band called Green River Ordinance. I honestly have not gone to the site to check them out. I am an R&B girl, so I am not sure if it will be up my alley. When I get some time I am sure I will check them out. The other thing they gave me was Showstoppers designer fashion tape. I love this stuff. It holds you clothes in place so well. Even when you are sweaty on the dance floor it stays put. You can never have enough fashion tape.

   So that is what was in my first BirchBox. I cannot wait to see what I will get next month. The waiting kills me. I wish there was a once a week program like this. The website is above is you want to check it out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Red Bull

So I am a little excited to write today. First off OMG Metro Cast is driving me nuts. We changed to them last week and have had nothing but trouble with internet since. GRRR… ok with that out of the way. I tried my first ever energy drink this week. It was the original Red Bull. I honestly never thought they would do anything for me so I never bothered with them. I also never liked the smell of them, when people around me drank them. The Red Bull surprised me thought. First off when I smelled it, it was not to strong at all. I took a very little first sip because I was honestly not sure I would like it and be able to drink it. I was surprised. There is very little bubbliness to it. That is nice though I think it helps it go down better and be more pleasant to drink. It has a nice kind of fruity type taste. Drinking it reminds me of just drinking a plain old can of soda, which for me works well because I do not eat or drink anything to different or weird out there. I was able to drink the whole can and can say that I liked it. I asked my brother about what he thought about Red Bull, because he drinks all energy drinks often. He said, “ It taste like original Monster but way better.” I guess that next thing I will have to do is try a Monster so I can compare the two, taste wise for everyone.  Now did I get a boost of energy? Yep I sure did lol. I got up and cleaned the whole house, like spring cleaning type cleaning because I did not have anything to do or planed before I drank it. I thought it would be a good time to drink it because I was just hanging out around the house. So I needed to find something to do because I had all the extra energy. After a few hours, I did not seem to get the sudden crash that I have heard so much about. I am not sure if it was because I was doing something and not just sitting at a desk with the extra energy or if this product just does not give it to you. Not having the crash made me super happy though, I was dreading it. This is a product that I will pick up and use when I need a little extra something. I am glad that I finally gave an energy drink a chance, it really surprised me and has added something new to my life.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nivea Lip Products

So the Nivea lip care has been on sale for the last two weeks at CVS and I had a few coupons for them, so I picked up the four that they had. I will go over each one and what I think of them.

     I will start with the one I do not care for. It is the Kiss of Shimmer. It has a great pink case and very pink on the inside. When you put it on it is clean and gives you a hint of shine on your lips. It has a nice kind of sweet smell to it. After that I do not care for it. It goes on ok and the texture is fine, but it is very sticky once on. I had to remove it after only a few minutes because I did not like how sticky it was.

     The next one is the Mint and Minerals. First thing I noticed was the great color of the lip balm. It is such a great blue color. I also love the smell of it. It has just the right hint of mint to it. If you get it in your mouth thought, it tastes horrible. It goes on nice and smooth and has a nice tingly feeling to it. It is not overly think or sticky when it is on.

    The next one is the Milk & Honey. It says that it is a soothing lip care. This one looks like bee’s wax in the tube. It also has my least favorite smell. It is a waxy, lipstick smell. If you get this one in your mouth it at least does not taste as bad as the rest. It does go on very smooth, and is not sticky.

     Ok to my favorite, A Kiss of Smoothness. The one bad thing is the nasty taste they all seem to share. The smell is even better than the mint one. It feels so silky on my lips and not a touch of stickiness to it.

    Overall they all have a nasty taste to them. They have great staying power and I would use these all the time; well except the shimmer one. The shimmer and smoothness one are SPF 10. I like lip gloss or balms that have the sunscreen right in them. Too many people forget about their lip health. Hope this gives everyone a little in site to Nivea’s lip products.

Friday, February 10, 2012

While at Wal-Mart the other day I got a little sample size of Clean& Clean Morning Burst facial scrub. The biggest reason for me wanting to try it was the smell. I am an orange freak, anything that smells like orange or apples I want. I also loved that it was a scrub, I just love how they make you skin feel after. Well it has a great smell, which was what I was so hoping for.  It does give you a nice little wakeup call when you use it in the mornings. No better smell then oranges in the morningJ. The scrub part is just small crystals that work great. After using it my skin feels so soft and smooth. It keeps me feeling fresh all day too. I like to use a little extra on my hands to make them feel really soft too. This is a great product and I am very happy that I finally took a second to try it out finally. I love all the trial size stuff they sell now. You get to try something before you commit to a large size product.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012





Sorry missing Bob's Pic, he was camera shy.

 First off, it feels good to have the internet back. YaY
      Now this is going to be an entry all about dogs. The past day or so there has been a lot of stuff about dogs I have found in the media and I just have to talk about it.
  First thought the products I want to talk about. When I find a new animal product I buy enough to test on the animals in my household and my mother’s. Between the two homes there are 14 rescued animals, 5 dogs, 7 cats and 2 small animals. Today we are going to talk about the dogs. I have Felix, a 7 year old male Pitt bull mix, Katana a 5 year old female Pitt Bull mix, and Jazzmin a 2 year old female Jack Russell. My mom has Bob, 17 and Bosco, 4, who are both only god knows mutts. They range from small (10lbs) to large (120lbs). After trying many treats I have found 3 that all five dogs go crazy over. They are Pedigree Dentastix, Pedigree Jumbones, and Pup-Peroni. The Pup-Peroni comes in a few flavors, like bacon and regular and the dogs like them all. I also buy everything in small dog size because it is easiest for Jazzmin (small dog) and Bob (for his teeth and jaws.) Everything else I have tried some like them then others do not. These three products everyone will eat. The Pedigree products are around $3.50 a bag and the Pup-Peroni is about $2.50 a bag. I have been able to find coupons for the products the past few weeks right in the Sunday papers, which is great.
  On an animal friendly side note, please be careful what you are giving your pups. I had a friend just lose her pup because she gave her chicken jerky. I will put a link to the FDA article at the end so everyone can read it. I guess there have been problems for years, but we had no clue. It talks about any chicken products made in China can kill little dogs and make bigger doges very sick. So just read the article and be careful.
     I also have to say shame on McDonald’s for that horrible commercial!! It sickens me that a company of that size thinks it is ok to pick on one breed of dog. I have 2 Pit mix’s and worked at a dog pound for many years and have only come across one mean pitt bull. I was at the pound for five years and we had many, many Pit Bulls come in. I found many more other breeds of dogs that were mean though. People need to know and truly understand that it is not the dog, It is the people and environments that they are raised in. You can take any dog at all and make them mean if that is what you teach them. Also any stray on the street could be scared or mean because they do not know what human love is. With a loving home and proper training any dog will be a great family dog. So please think before speaking badly about Pit Bulls. They are great, loyal, loving family dogs.  Punish the DEED not the BREED!!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

So the other day I won a contest on Facebook for a free case of Dream water. I had honestly just heard about the product around Christmas when I friend of mine was trying to win something from them. I saw the post said what the heck can it hurt. You had to post your wildest dream on their Facebook page; I have some crazy dreams often so I thought nothing of sharing one with the world lol. Well I ended up being one of the winners; I was so excited and hated waiting for the product to arrive. I will say first that it got here super-fast. Now this stuff is a shot (2.5 oz) of flavored water that is supposed to help you sleep. I will take any help in that area I can get, I do not sleep very well and when I do I am a super light sleeper so I am always waking up. I was kind of like yeah sure water will help me sleep; yeah right it will make have to get up in the middle of the night to have to use the bathroom. Boy was I wrong. My sister and I both tried a bottle. The flavor we got is Snoozyberry, blueberry and pomegranate. My sister was super excited about the flavor and could not wait to try it, I on the other hand was kind of put off because I am not a fan of blueberry and never ever tried a pomegranate. My sister thought it was great, loved the flavor so much. I was also surprised and it was a good flavor. Very light, and kind of like just a little hint of flavor to water, also not to sweet. Now the bottle says to take 30 minutes before you want to go to bed. My sister and I both did that together. I can say that in about 15 minutes of taking it we were both out like a light. I have never had a sleep aid that put me to sleep that fast, and I have tried lots of them. In like 5 to 8 minutes of taking it we were both yawning up a storm and just had to put our heads down and relax, and then we were gone. That night of sleep was GREAT. I woke up for nothing. I did not hear a noise; I did not need a drink, or even use the restroom. I do not think I have ever slept that soundly in my life. My sister said the same things about it; she made it a whole night without getting up. The next morning we were both up around 9 and felt great. There was no left over grogginess, or sluggishness. I was a huge skeptic at first about this product, but now I can say I am not. I fully enjoy this product and cannot believe how well it really works. The people at Dream water did a great job coming up with a product to help you sleep. My sister and I have become life time fans of Dreamwater. I cannot wait for another great night sleep. Here is the site if you want to check it out more. The people I dealt with were also super nice, great customer service.!/dreamwater

Friday, February 3, 2012

 So the other day I got a sample of microdermabrasion cream by Clinicians Complex. It was from the website; I found the promotion on Facebook to try a free sample, so I jumped at it.  I have to say I am in LOVE. I had no clue what it was, never heard of it nothing so I read the package and realized it was a face wash to use 2 or 3 times a week to help you smooth out your skin. The site talks about using it in-between office treatments or in-between using a microdermabrasion machine at home. I will be honest that all those things are over my head and sound like they cost a lot of money, lol. The site did say this product is great to use when you are not able to do all that stuff so that is great. I used in in place of my other face wash this morning, and boy do I wish I had some more. It felt great on my face. You just put it on and make circles around your face for a minute or two. You can feel the scrubby stuff (diamond shaped magnesium oxide crystals )  in it just smoothing out all the dead skin and lines in your face. It  rinsed off super easy and my face felt soooooooooo clean. My face gets oily near the end of the day and I hate that, but as of now 10:15 pm no oil and my face still feels clean. It also feels smoother then it has in forever. It has a great lemon type smell to it that woke me right up in the shower this morning. Now the only thing that stinks about it is that for a 2oz jar on their website it is $65 bucks. Way out of my price range, but love it so much I will be saving my extra money from coupon savings to get a jar. I read some reviews on the site and they all loved it as well and says the jar will last 2 to 3 months, so that is good. I’ll link the page so you can all read a little bit more about it. I am so in love with this stuff, and cannot wait to get a jar.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super excited tonight because I got to try a new lotion. It is Nivea’s Happy Sensations in Orange Blossom scent. The lotion is for normal to dry skin and it contains Bamboo extract.  The bottle says it will moisture all day and nourishes and fortifies the skin.  Well I have not had it on all day but most of the day and I can honestly say I still feel it and have not had to add any more to my skin. When you first put it on it leaves a slight silky film on your hand which is ok, it kind of makes it feel like there is protection on your hands. I really like the fact that I have only had to put it on once and not have to add more.  Ok well I will say on the body, any time I wash my hands I ALWAYS put more of any lotion on. I also did not have to use a ton to cover my body, a little seems to go a long way. That is a super plus when on a budget and trying to save money.  The scent is the only thing I am a little disappointed in. I thought there would get a great Orange Blossom smell, which there is when you first put it on and start spreading it, but then you get that unscented lotion type smell. It is not really a bad thing, I just enjoy scents. I am one of those people, which smell everything, and love to find new scents. So would I buy or use this lotion again? Yes, I am over all happy with the product. It goes on great, lasts a long time, and the smell is not what I was hoping for but I am ok with it. I got this bottle on sale for $6.44 at CVS so it is a little much but I think it will last me awhile, so that one time amount for a lotion that will last at least a month is great to me.