Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Maybelline Dr. Rescue Baby Lips!!!

OK ladies, I will admit it I am a lip junkie and a Maybelline lip junkie at that.  I have been hunting high and low since I heard that there was a new Baby Lips coming out. I have almost all of them that have come out. I LOVE them and always have at least one in my bag. I looked high and low in my town the last few weeks trying to find the Maybelline Dr. Rescue and today I sort of struck gold. I honestly forgot that we had a Rite Aid in town because I never go in to it, but I had time and saw it so I went in. BINGO, they had them, but they only had one color left. That made me sad, but happy because I could at least try one. I got the pink one and of course I forgot to save the package to get the real color name. I have been using it since I got it this afternoon. It is a menthol lip balm and I love that so much. You put it on and it tingles and cools your lips. It makes them feel soft and refreshed.  This one gives your lips just a soft hint of pink, which is great for on the go. This is great because you never need a mirror to put a little on. I put it on twice in an eight hour period and it lasted both times and kept my lips feeling great. I highly recommend these and there will be more added to the review when I find more colors and get some more use out of them. I was just too excited to wait and share that I found them.

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