Thursday, March 1, 2012

I got to try the BEST beef and turkey jerk this week. It comes from a company called Perky Jerky. I had never heard about them until I came across the company while web searching and now I want to help get their name out there. It was started by two guys at a ski lodge after a long night having fun. I have to say thank you for that night and coming up with this jerky. First off where can you get it you ask? Well it can be found online at or 7-11, GNC, Target, Best Buy, and Home Depot. I am going to Target tomorrow to stock up on it. What it is? It is jerky that they have infused in some magical way with energy drinks. It has made it such a great texture and so tender and easy to chew. Out of the two flavors, I loved them both but the Turkey was my favorite. The turkey was just a little thinner, because of the meat and I just personally like that. They both start out sweet like a teriyaki type flavor but as you chew it ends in peppercorn. It is the perfect mix of sweet and heat. After eating a bag of it, I could feel that perk of energy that they talked about as well. It was not like an energy drink either, that I was crashing from a few hours later. I used it as a snack in the afternoon after missing lunch and it cured my hunger and made my tummy and mouth super happy. Each bite made me want more. I am sad I am all out and I cannot wait to get out tomorrow to get some more. If you like jerky you HAVE to try this jerky; you can't go wrong with it. Check out their website too, I really enjoyed that and had fun looking at it and reading about the company and how they got started. I love the packing for it as well. They picked great colors and pictures. It is simple, easy to read and understand and straight to the point. I will say it again; this is the BEST jerky that I have ever eaten. I will not go back to the other brands now that I have found Perky Jerky and I hope that everyone who reads this will at least give it a try.

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