Monday, March 5, 2012

More Great AXE products

This is to go along with my review from the other day. Today I am going to talk about the men’s Axe line in Anarchy. We got to use the deodorant, body spray, and body wash. After the men in my home got done using it all I will say they smelled sooooo good. I do not like many men’s products that have a scent; they are usually too strong or to musky for me.  The AXE lines, I have not come across that yet. This line nailed it again. 

   First is the revitalizing body wash in Anarchy. I wish I could describe smells better to help you better understand how good it smells. It is bathroom filling scent and it does give you such a refreshed feeling as you use it and smell it. This one I did not use on myself because it was such a strong guy scent, but all the guys did, and I used it on my hands for see how well it comes off. This one is just as good as the other body wash. It rinses so good and leaves you feeling so clean. The guys said it lathered so good and worked super well with AXE buffer thing.  After getting out of the shower you could still smell it one them and it filled the house. It did not dry out anyone’s skin. All five guys gave it huge thumbs up. The females love the smell and agreed with the guys. I think it is a great scent, rinses so good and does not dry out your sink, plus it has that great pick- me- up to it.

   The next thing is the men’s 24h deodorant in Anarchy. Being a girl I have to say I love the color of it. It is such a great light blue. This is a gel deodorant which is honestly new to the family and I. The first thing we noticed is that it is wet feeling for about 20 seconds. I am guessing all gels are like this, because right after those 20 seconds you no longer know it is there. The smell is a little bit different than the body wash. It is more of a fruity or sweet under tone, but it works perfect with the body wash. After a full long hard day at work and the gym the guys all came home, and I was thinking oh god they are all going to need full showers and smell so bad. I was wrong. The deodorant held its own. You could smell it almost as strong as when they went. It worked so well to hide the yucky sweaty smell that they usually had at the end of the day. The only thing that they had bad to say was that, it does not block all the sweat, they could still feel a little bit of wetness, not enough to make them not want to use the product though. They loved that the scent had lasted all day and stayed so strong and that is most important to them. So overall, they love how well it works and the smell and will keep using it. They are excited to see what other smells that AXE makes in deodorant so they can try them all to see if they work this well. For the girl side, we are very thank full that it keeps them smelling good at the end of the day, so we do not have to hold our breath for that first hug when they get home.

   The last part of the set we have is the body spray in Anarchy. This can is just like the woman’s just in blue, black, gray, and gold.  Great graphics and I love how they open and close because you can carry them and not worry about getting them all over the place. This scent is a little different from the other two products as well, it has like a powder undertone to it. I LOVE it; it is my favorite out of the set. I am glad that it is the finishing part to it all. All three of them together makes the guys smell so good. This spray works as well as the woman’s. The guys put it on in the afternoon and you could smell it in the morning on their clothes. That once again is staying power. I love products that have staying power, and I am always willing to pay a little more because you will use less of the product so it will last long. AXE is a super deal because the smells are so good, and last a long time. They are also easy on the wallet. I have not seen AXE for over 6 dollars in my area, and it is almost always on sale around here. I am so happy with this new scent and I hope that everyone will try it. It is so worth it and I do not think anyone will be disappointed with it at all.

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